regular schedule

美 [ˈreɡjələr ˈskedʒuːl]英 [ˈreɡjələ(r) ˈʃedjuːl]
  • 定期安排;常规的日程安排(或时刻表)
regular scheduleregular schedule
  1. Checking the log on a regular schedule can help avoid significant system problems .


  2. Finally , back on my regular schedule .


  3. A large commercial ship ( especially one that carries passengers on a regular schedule ) .


  4. Try to keep your child on a regular schedule for eating and sleeping .


  5. You can control the size of the log file set by using a regular schedule of backups .


  6. It is also a good practice to back up user-created database files on a regular schedule .


  7. After putting the assets together , you then identify and assess vulnerabilities on a regular schedule .


  8. A boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule .


  9. Back up your valuable address book data manually , or have address book back up your information on a regular schedule .


  10. Try to make a more regular schedule , and you 'll probably see a difference in how you feel in the morning .


  11. In most enterprises , you often need to create critical workbooks at a specific point in time , often on a regular schedule .


  12. Visitors can view any reports and create user-owned subscriptions to deliver reports on a regular schedule .


  13. Other remote workers struggle to keep a regular schedule & working a few hours one day and pulling an all-nighter the next .


  14. Other remote workers struggle to keep a regular schedule - working a few hours one day and pulling an all-nighter the next .


  15. Once inspections became routine and followed a regular schedule , I reasoned , my team would see the value of Rational Application Developer .


  16. Ocean liner : Large merchant ship that visits designated ports on a regular schedule . make a voyage across the Atlantic


  17. To participate in either study , women must be under age40 and able to visit the Stanford clinic on a regular schedule .


  18. Pressures on these completed systems should be monitored on a regular schedule to assure that a positive inert pressure is being maintained .


  19. To ensure that the transaction log does not fill up , back up the database files and the log files on a frequent and regular schedule .


  20. You may be able to talk through the issues that are keeping you awake and develop better sleep habits to help your body adapt to a regular schedule .


  21. The custom application C on the server machine runs on a regular schedule , such as once a day , when it checks the repository to find the documents .


  22. You should establish a regular schedule , such as a weekly schedule , for reviewing and responding to the delivery reports in the mailbox .


  23. By reflecting on homework practices and implementing a regular schedule of interactive homework , teachers have the potential to engage students and families in more positive homework experiences .


  24. Ensure that there is a regular schedule to back up site collections regularly so you can restore a recent copy if a site collection is deleted unintentionally .


  25. Conclusions Corneal thickness measurements after penetrating keratoplasty are of prognostic value . Therefore , it is neccessary to measure corneal thickness according to regular schedule after penetrating keratoplasty .


  26. Finally , they should review their notes for about five minutes on the same day that they take them , and go over them again for about a half an hour at least once a week , according to a regular schedule or plan .


  27. " He likes to keep it quiet when he 's away up there , and he likes spending time with family ," said Fratto , who added that the president didn 't have much time to do that in his regular schedule .


  28. Managing that risk and maintaining a regular launch schedule is imperative .


  29. Jane hates being tied down to a regular work schedule .


  30. You will need to establish a regular compact schedule to achieve the benefit from quotas and other database management techniques .
